Steps Grants Focus on Empowering Vulnerable Women and Children
Recently, The Hall Steps Foundation reached a continual investment of over $100,000 in microloans through Kiva for people living in extreme poverty, which they use to start a business and work their way out of poverty. We’ve specifically targeted loans to women in East Africa because they are more likely to use her profits to lift up those around them. For every $1 a woman earns, she invests 80 cents back into her community, whether through her own education or her family’s well being.
We have also been identifying ways to sustainably support the 4-5 million orphaned children in Ethiopia – the home country of Ryan and Sara Hall’s adopted daughters. We have partnered with a few organizations doing exceptional work in this area – Shamida Orphanage, Testimony Feeding Center, and Kingdom Vision International. Through these organizations we have helped their efforts to give education to extremely poor children as well as adequate nutrition and housing. Additionally, we have supported local adoption and foster care starting in Ethiopia.
There is still a lot of work to be done, as 60,000 children live on the streets of the capital city alone (Addis Ababa), and, currently, only 1-in-3 girls goes to school in Ethiopia. We are excited, through your help, to continue to find sustainable ways to bring justice and opportunity to vulnerable women and children in Ethiopia!